Naval Ravikant mentioned reading 'The God Proof' on Twitter.
Naval Ravikant mentioned reading 'What is Life?' on Twitter.
Naval Ravikant mentioned reading 'The Enchiridion' on Twitter.
Naval Ravikant: "Definitely worth a read if you like imaginative sci-fi."
Naval Ravikant mentioned reading 'The Heart of Yoga' on Twitter.
Naval Ravikant mentioned The Gay Science on Twitter.
Naval Ravikant mentioned reading '100 Best-Loved Poems' on Twitter.
Naval Ravikant mentioned 'Art of the Living Dead' on Twitter.
Naval Ravikant mentioned reading 'Great Short Poems' on Twitter.
Naval Ravikant mentioned 'Flowers for Algernon' on Twitter.
One of Naval Ravikant's Game Theory book recommendations.
One of Naval Ravikant's Game Theory book recommendations.
Naval Ravikant mentioned reading 'How to Teach Your Baby Math' on Twitter.
Naval Ravikant mentioned 'Six Easy Pieces' on Twitter.
Naval Ravikant: "One of my all time favorite books. I quote it all the time."
The best book Naval Ravikant has read on the concept of time.
Naval Ravikant: "Another masterpiece of SciFi by Ted Chiang"
Naval Ravikant: "Formative books for me. Read and re-read them over the years."
Naval Ravikant mentioned 'The Book of Nothing' on Twitter.
Naval Ravikant: "Everything by Matt Ridley is worth reading."
When Naval Ravikant was asked if he read this book, he answered 'of course... :-)'
Naval Ravikant mentioned Live Your Truth on 'The Tim Ferriss Show' podcast.
Naval Ravikant mentioned reading 'Math, Better Explained' on Twitter.
Naval Ravikant: "That’s a great book."
Naval Ravikant: "Without judgment, he just lays down how con men work."
One of Naval Ravikant's recommended Game Theory books.