Brian Armstrong: "Celebrate the creators in the world (even when they struggle). They may be more valuable than we think."
Blake Scholl: "Far and away my favorite book is Atlas Shrugged"
Travis Kalanick mentioned 'Atlas Shrugged' in a Washington Post interview.
Fred Wilson recommends 'Atlas Shrugged' for entrepreneurs.
Shane Parrish: "As hard as you think your life is, it pales in comparison to Auschwitz.
Tony Robbins: "Man’s Search for Meaning provides compelling examples of humanity’s perseverance through trying situations.
Jordan Peterson: "A book that I found particularly influential in my intellectual development."
This book was on Sam Altman's bookshelf.
Naval Ravikant mentioned Man's Search for Meaning on Twitter.
Ben Horowitz: "A book about the dynamics of how large-scale, highly random systems behave."
Keith Rabois: "The Skin in the Game book is quite powerful, albeit often redundant."
Vinod Khosla: "I like his ideas a lot, especially in Antifragile and the first half of this book.
I've always complained about pundits relative to doers, discovering/learning over planning..."
Naval Ravikant recommended 'Skin In The Game' on Twitter.
Marc Andreessen recommended 'Skin In The Game' on Twitter.
Shane Parrish: "This book changed how I see the world."
Naval Ravikant: "Good books are worth re-reading. Great books are worth re-buying."
Patrick O'Shaughnessy: "This book will have you asking yourself many provocative and useful questions"
Tobi Lutke: "Shopify is practically built on that book"
Michael Saylor recommended Antifragile on his Bitcoin website,
Naval Ravikant: "One of my favorite books of all time."
Shane Parrish: "Reading [this book], along with Seneca, has really helped foster my interest in philosophy.
Sam Altman: "Great read."
Austen Allred: "[One of the books] that has inspired me the most or changed the way I live."
Arianna Huffington: "I discovered the book in high school and, yes, it was love at first sight."
Fred Wilson: "A great one"
Austen Allred: "[One of the books] that has inspired me the most or changed the way I live."
Paul Graham mentioned this book on Twitter.
Charles Koch recommended this book on his website.
Marc Andreessen: "A bracing disassembly and reconstruction of a theory of individual progress in the modern world.
Fascinating compare and contrast with 'The Courage To Be Disliked'"
Joe Rogan mentioned 12 Rules For Life on the 'Joe Rogan Experience' podcast.
Naval Ravikant mentioned 12 Rules For Life on Twitter.
Tobi Lutke: "A Guide to the Good Life is one of the best books I’ve ever read."
Marc Andreessen: "Best walk through the ancient/current philosophy of Stoicism. You can't control other people but you can control yourself, so do that."
Austen Allred: "[One of the books] that has inspired me the most or changed the way I live."
Chamath Palihapitiya: "I agree with a lot of Rene Girard's philosophies. It's called Mimetic Theory, and the idea is that you're born without preferences and then you kind of just copy what's around you."
Naval Ravikant: "It’s more of an overview book because I couldn’t make it through his actual writings."
Arianna Huffington: "A very timely book and a powerful call for change"
One of Reid Hoffman's summer reads of 2016.
Naval Ravikant: "Everything by Matt Ridley is worth reading."
Charles Koch recommended this book on his website.
Patrick Collison included this book on his list of recommended books.
Patrick O'Shaughnessy: "This book is only for those interested in philosophy."
Patrick O'Shaughnessy: "The best self-help book ever."
Patrick O'Shaughnessy: "My favorite essay from one of my biggest idols."
Patrick O'Shaughnessy: "You can read this one in an hour or two."
One of Richard Branson's top books to read in a lifetime.
Nassim Taleb: "Simply the best: read it at least twice"
One of Naval Ravikant's recommended autobiographies.
Naval Ravikant mentioned reading 'What is Life?' on Twitter.
Naval Ravikant mentioned reading 'The Enchiridion' on Twitter.
Naval Ravikant mentioned The Gay Science on Twitter.
Naval Ravikant: "That’s a great book."
Joe Rogan: "Zen in the Art of Archery is a great book"
Jack Dorsey: "Incredible book by Christopher Ryan. And timely."
Arianna Huffington mentioned 'Lessons for the Living' in her book, 'Thrive'.
Arianna Huffington mentioned 'Being With Dying' in her book, 'Thrive'.
In a New Yorker profile, Mark Zuckerberg mentioned he enjoyed reading 'The Aeneid' a lot.
Charles Koch recommended this book on his website.
Charles Koch recommended this book on his website.
One of the four books that taught Charles Koch "how the world works.”