Warren Buffett: "They laid out a roadmap for investing that I have now been following for 57 years. There's been no reason to look for another."
One of Bill Gurley's recommended books for learning the basics of investing.
One of the books Bill Ackman asked his newly-hired analyst to read before joining Pershing Square.
Included on Jamie Dimon's list of favorite books he sent to JP Morgan summer interns in 2010.
Warren Buffett: "I read the first edition of this book early in 1950, when I was nineteen.
I thought then that it was by far the best book about investing ever written. I still think it is."
One of the books Bill Ackman asked his newly-hired analyst to read before joining Pershing Square.
Included on Jamie Dimon's list of favorite books he sent to JP Morgan summer interns in 2010.
One of the books Bill Ackman asked his newly-hired analyst to read before joining Pershing Square.
One of the books Bill Ackman asked his newly-hired analyst to read before joining Pershing Square.
One of the books Bill Ackman asked his newly-hired analyst to read before joining Pershing Square.
One of the books Bill Ackman asked his newly-hired analyst to read before joining Pershing Square.
One of the books Bill Ackman asked his newly-hired analyst to read before joining Pershing Square.
One of the books Bill Ackman asked his newly-hired analyst to read before joining Pershing Square.
One of the books Bill Ackman asked his newly-hired analyst to read before joining Pershing Square.