Elon Musk: "I know it's cliche, but Lord of the Rings is my favorite book ever."
Naval Ravikant: "Loved Lord of The Rings and other fiction when [I was] younger."
As a teenager, Peter Thiel's favorite book was 'The Lord of the Rings,' which he read again and again.
Paul Graham's answer to "Any book recommendations for young adults?"
Reid Hoffman: "The book that I’ve most often read is Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings.
Paul Graham: "It's a great book, probably in my all time top 100."
Elon Musk: "[Benjamin Franklin] was an entrepreneur. He started from nothing. Basically just a runaway kid."
Charlie Munger recommended 'The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin' in his book Poor Charlie's Almanack.
Included on Jamie Dimon's list of favorite books he sent to JP Morgan summer interns in 2010.
Fred Wilson: "A great one"
Austen Allred: "[One of the books] that has inspired me the most or changed the way I live."
Paul Graham mentioned this book on Twitter.
One of Richard Branson's top books to read in a lifetime.
Paul Graham: "[My kids and I] have already read 'The Hobbit' twice."
Paul Graham mentioned 'The Origin of Species' on Twitter.
Paul Graham: "Amazing"
Sam Altman: "It was excellent!"
Paul Graham: "It is a wonderful book"
One of Matt Ridley's all-time favorite books that he recommends to everybody.
Paul Graham: "White's Medieval Technology and Social Change is the most fabulous book."
Sam Altman: "It really is great."
Paul Graham: "If you want to learn more about hunter gatherers I strongly recommend Elizabeth Marshall Thomas's 'The Old Way'."
This book was on Sam Altman's bookshelf.
One of Paul Graham's answers to "What should I read to learn more about history?"
One of Sam Altman's recommended books for young startup founders.
One of Elon Musk's favorite books about space.
Paul Graham: "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress made me want to work on AI, which led to Lisp."
Paul Graham: "One of my favorite autobiographical works"
Paul Graham: "One of my favorite autobiographical works"
One of Paul Graham's answers to 'What should I read to learn more about history?'
Paul Graham mentioned this book on Twitter.
One of Paul Graham's answers to 'What should I read to learn more about history?'
Paul Graham's answer to 'Which Stephen Fry book do you recommend?'
One of Paul Graham's answers to 'What should I read to learn more about history?'
Paul Graham: "One of the best books about the late 3rd century"
Paul Graham's answer to 'Which P. G. Wodehouse book do you recommend?'
Paul Graham's answer to 'Examples of books that you reread years later, & found to be much better?'
Paul Graham's answer to 'What are your favourite books with a politics very different to your own?'
Paul Graham: "Fletcher's 'Moorish Spain' is a great book."
One of Paul Graham's answers to 'What’s your favorite book that almost nobody else knows or talks about?'
One of Paul Graham's answers to 'What’s your favorite book that almost nobody else knows or talks about?'
One of Paul Graham's answers to 'Are there any books on medieval history you can recommend?'
One of Paul Graham's answers to 'What should I read to learn more about history?'
One of Paul Graham's answers to 'What’s your favorite book that almost nobody else knows or talks about?'
Paul Graham: "Anjelica Huston's Story Lately Told is wonderful."
One of Paul Graham's answers to 'What should I read to learn more about history?'
One of Paul Graham's answers to 'What should I read to learn more about history?'
One of Paul Graham's answers to 'What should I read to learn more about history?'
One of Paul Graham's answers to 'What should I read to learn more about history?'
One of Paul Graham's answers to 'What should I read to learn more about history?'
One of Paul Graham's answers to 'What should I read to learn more about history?'
Paul Graham: "Among the most inspiring books I know."
Paul Graham's answer to 'What’s the most beautiful book you’ve ever read?'"