Elon Musk: “Peter Thiel has built multiple breakthrough companies, and Zero to One shows how.”
Mark Zuckerberg: “This book delivers completely new and refreshing ideas on how to create value in the world.”
Marc Andreessen: "Zero to One is the first book any working or aspiring entrepreneur must read—period."
Patrick O'Shaughnessy: "So much of investing is herd behavior, this will have you thinking different than the crowd."
Ben Horowitz: "Zero To One is a great book. I learned a lot reading it."
One of Max Levchin's answers to 'What's your favourite business book you'd advise to young entrepreneurs?'
One of the books Keith Rabois recommends for entrepreneurs.
One of five business books Chris Dixon recommended on Twitter.
This book was on Sam Altman's bookshelf.
Sheryl Sandberg: "Blitzscaling shows how companies can build value for customers and shareholders in the digital age.
A compelling inside view of how the new economy is being built and is transforming global business.”
Changpeng Zhao: "This has been very helpful to Binance as we chart our growth as an organization.
It’s a fairly up-to-date book, which even talks about recent topics like cryptocurrencies."
Vinod Khosla: "An insightful book on how to scale at a very fast pace and more importantly WHEN.
Also explains why inefficient use of money can be important."
Anthony Pompliano: "No brainer pick up for every entrepreneur and investor."
This book shares some of the key secrets for building mission-oriented, global businesses at speed."
Elon Musk: "The Foundation series [is] fundamental to [the] creation of SpaceX."
Naval Ravikant: "I loved reading it as a kid"
Austen Allred recommended 'Foundation' on Twitter.
Cameron Winklevoss: "I have a couple [favorite books], to name a few, Isaac Asimov's Foundation, Frank Herbert's Dune, Daniel Mason's The Piano Tuner"
One of Sahil Lavingia's most recommended books.
This book was on Sam Altman's bookshelf.
Shane Parrish: "As hard as you think your life is, it pales in comparison to Auschwitz.
Tony Robbins: "Man’s Search for Meaning provides compelling examples of humanity’s perseverance through trying situations.
Jordan Peterson: "A book that I found particularly influential in my intellectual development."
This book was on Sam Altman's bookshelf.
Naval Ravikant mentioned Man's Search for Meaning on Twitter.
Naval Ravikant: "Fine book but it didn’t need to be an entire book."
One of Sam Altman's recommended books for young startup founders.
One of Sahil Lavingia's most recommended books.
Naval Ravikant: "One of my favorite books of all time."
Shane Parrish: "Reading [this book], along with Seneca, has really helped foster my interest in philosophy.
Sam Altman: "Great read."
Austen Allred: "[One of the books] that has inspired me the most or changed the way I live."
Arianna Huffington: "I discovered the book in high school and, yes, it was love at first sight."
Vinod Khosla: "Among the best books! A way of living, working & commitment to excellence"
Jack Dorsey says this book had a major influence on him.
One of Sam Altman's recommended books for young startup founders.
One of the books Keith Rabois recommends for entrepreneurs.
Charlie Munger recommended 'Einstein: His Life and Universe' at the 2007 Wesco Annual Meeting.
This book was on Sam Altman's bookshelf.
One of the books Mark Zuckerberg added to his Facebook page.
Jordan Peterson: "A book that I found particularly influential in my intellectual development."
One of Sahil Lavingia's most recommended books.
This book was on Sam Altman's bookshelf.
Patrick O'Shaughnessy: "This is a mind f**k.
Naval Ravikant mentioned 'The Origin of Consciousness' on 'The Tim Ferriss Show' podcast.
This book was on Sam Altman's bookshelf.
Naval Ravikant: "Love that book."
Patrick Collison included this book on his list of recommended books.
This book was on Sam Altman's bookshelf.
Paul Graham: "Amazing"
Sam Altman: "It was excellent!"
Paul Graham: "White's Medieval Technology and Social Change is the most fabulous book."
Sam Altman: "It really is great."
Austen Allred: "[One of] my favorite books for understanding the history of Silicon Valley"
One of Sam Altman's recommended books for young startup founders.
Chris Dixon: “Classic book that I admit I hadn’t read and my colleagues at a16z crypto got me to read."
This book was on Sam Altman's bookshelf.
Paul Graham: "If you want to learn more about hunter gatherers I strongly recommend Elizabeth Marshall Thomas's 'The Old Way'."
This book was on Sam Altman's bookshelf.
One of Paul Graham's answers to "What should I read to learn more about history?"
One of Sam Altman's recommended books for young startup founders.
Sam Altman: "Re-reading this book. It's incredible."
One of Sam Altman's recommended books for young startup founders.
One of Sam Altman's recommended books for young startup founders.
One of Sam Altman's recommended books for young startup founders.
One of Sam Altman's recommended books for young startup founders.
One of Sam Altman's recommended books for young startup founders.
Sam Altman: "My favorite book of [2018]. Incredible read."
One of Sam Altman's recommended books for young startup founders.
Sam Altman: "Really good."
This book was on Sam Altman's bookshelf.
One of Sam Altman's recommended books for young startup founders.
One of Sam Altman's recommended books for young startup founders.