Tim Ferriss: "One of my favorite books of the last five years."
Stewart Butterfield: "'How to Change Your Mind' is a great overview of research into the therapeutic uses of psychedelics.
Michael Pollan is such a gifted observer and clear writer. Total pleasure."
Vinod Khosla: "This is a fun exploration of psychedelic drugs, especially for someone who has never tried them."
Michael Mauboussin: "[How To Change Your Mind] helped me think better in 2018."
Naval Ravikant's answer to 'Do you have any advice for dealing with the death of a parent?'
Stewart Butterfield: "Audio version of Hillbilly Elegy, read by author JD Vance, was five stars. Human, perceptive, loving, well-told."
One of 10 biographies Jason Calacanis recommends reading.
Max Levchin shared 'Hillbilly Elegy' on his LinkedIn page.
Bill Gates: "Hillbilly Elegy gave me new insights into poverty in America."
Satya Nadella: "The Rise and Fall of American Growth concludes that innovation is the ultimate source of dramatic improvements in the human condition”
Stewart Butterfield: "I'm reading this book and I can already tell I am going to be so annoying about it afterwards. Sorry in advance"
Patrick Collison included this book on his list of recommended books.
Bill Gates: "The book was a fantastic read, and well worth the time"
Stewart Butterfield: "'Team of Rivals' is among the best historical books I've ever read.
Bless you, Doris Goodwin. Truly excellent."
Included on Jamie Dimon's list of favorite books he sent to JP Morgan summer interns in 2010.
Stewart Butterfield: "One of the most useful books I've ever read on either leadership or management"
[Crucial Conversations](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-im-reading-month-max-levchin/?trk=portfolioarticle-card_title)[ covers many of the useful tactics in making sure these conversations are productive, and offers advice on improving relationships with your coworkers."](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-im-reading-month-max-levchin/?trk=portfolioarticle-card_title)
Stewart Butterfield: "One of the most useful books I've ever read on either leadership or management"